Chicken Manchurian

Chicken Manchurian: Brief Details and Savor the tantalizing taste of Chicken Manchurian

Chicken Manchurian– Do you yearn for a culinary creation that dances on your taste buds with an explosion of vibrant flavors? Look no further than this dish! This delightful fusion of succulent chicken and aromatic spices will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. Let’s dive into the world of Chicken Manchurian and uncover the secrets to creating this savory delight.

What is Chicken Manchurian? Origin and Brief Details!

Chicken Manchurian is a popular Indo-Chinese dish that originated in the bustling streets of India. It combines the bold flavors of Chinese cuisine with the rich spices of Indian cooking, resulting in a mouthwatering fusion dish loved by many.

Origin and History

Legend has it that Chicken Manchurian was invented by Nelson Wang, a Chinese restaurateur based in Mumbai, in the 1970s. Wang, known for his innovative approach to cooking, is said to have improvised the dish by combining deep-fried chicken with a tangy sauce infused with garlic, ginger, soy sauce, and other aromatic spices.

Preparation Method of Chicken Manchurian

Preparing Chicken Manchurian is a delightful culinary adventure that combines the succulence of chicken with the bold flavors of Chinese-inspired sauces.

Chicken Manchurian
Chicken Manchurian

Follow these simple steps to create your own flavorful Chicken Manchurian at home:


  1. 500g boneless chicken, cut into bite-sized pieces
  2. 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  3. 2 tablespoons ginger-garlic paste
  4. Salt to taste
  5. 4 tablespoons cornflour
  6. 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  7. Oil for frying
  8. 2 tablespoons chopped garlic
  9. tablespoon chopped ginger
  10. 1 onion, finely chopped
  11. 1 bell pepper, diced
  12. 2-3 green chilies, sliced (adjust to taste)
  13. 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  14. 2 tablespoons chili sauce
  15. 2 tablespoons tomato ketchup
  16. 1 cup water
  17. Spring onions and cilantro for garnish

Cooking Process

1. Marinate the Chicken:

  • In a bowl, combine the chicken pieces with soy sauce, ginger-garlic paste, and salt.
  • Let them Marinate for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.

2. Prepare the Batter:

  • In another bowl, mix corn flour, all-purpose flour, and a pinch of salt.
  • Add a little water to form a thick batter consistency.

3. Fry the Chicken:

  • First heat oil in a deep pan.
  • Dip the marinated chicken piece into the batter, ensuring that it’s coated well.
  • Carefully drop the coated chicken into the hot oil and fry until golden brown and crispy.
  • Remove the fried chicken pieces and set them aside on a paper towel to drain excess oil.

4. Make the Gravy:

  • In the same pan, heat a little oil and add chopped garlic and ginger.
  • Saute them until fragrant, then add chopped onions, bell peppers, and green chilies.
  • Cook until the vegetables are slightly softened.

5. Add the Sauce Ingredients:

  • Mix soy sauce, chili sauce, and tomato ketchup in a bowl.
  • Keep the sauce mixture in the pan with the fried vegetables.
  • Mix well to combine them and let it cook for a minute.

6. Simmer the Sauce:

  • Add water to the sauce and bring it to a simmer.
  • Allow the sauce to thicken slightly, adjusting the consistency as desired.

7. Combine Chicken and Sauce:

  • Gently add the fried chicken pieces to the sauce.
  • Toss them in the sauce until evenly coated and heated through.

8. Garnish and Serve:

  • Sprinkle chopped spring onions and cilantro over the Chicken Manchurian.
  • Transfer to a serving dish and serve hot with steamed rice or noodles.

Read More: Chicken Spring Rolls

Popular Culture

Chicken Manchurian’s popularity extends beyond culinary circles, making appearances in various facets of popular culture. From movies and television shows to literature and social media, this beloved dish has left its mark on the cultural landscape in numerous ways.

Movies and Television:

  • In Bollywood movies, scenes featuring characters dining at Chinese restaurants often include references to Chicken Manchurian, showcasing its widespread popularity among Indian audiences.
  • Television cooking shows frequently feature episodes dedicated to recreating Chicken Manchurian, offering viewers insights into its preparation and flavor profile.

Literature and Media:

  • Food bloggers and influencers often share their experiences with Chicken Manchurian on social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, showcasing different variations and serving suggestions.
  • Cookbooks and culinary magazines frequently include recipes for Chicken Manchurian, catering to readers’ desires to recreate this restaurant favorite at home.

Social Gatherings and Events:

  • Chicken Manchurian is a popular choice for parties, gatherings, and celebrations, where it serves as a crowd-pleasing appetizer or main course option.
  • Its versatility and ability to be adapted to different tastes and dietary preferences make it a go-to dish for hosts looking to accommodate diverse palates.

Read More: Chilli Mushroom dish

Health Benefits

Chicken Manchurian, like many other dishes, has both positive and negative health aspects. Let’s delve into these aspects:

Positive Health Benefits:

1. Protein Source: Chicken is an essential source of protein, and good for muscle repair and growth, as well as overall body function.

2. Nutrient Content: Chicken is also a good source of essential nutrients such as vitamins B6 and B12, which are important for metabolism and nervous system health.

3. Vegetable Content: Chicken Manchurian often includes vegetables like bell peppers and onions, which provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals necessary for overall health and well-being.

4. Controlled Portions: When homemade, you have control over the ingredients and portion sizes, allowing you to moderate your intake of unhealthy components like oil and salt.

Negative Health Aspects:

1. High in Calories: Chicken Manchurian is typically fried, which increases its calorie content. Additionally, the sauce often contains added sugars and fats, contributing to its calorie density.

2. High Sodium Content: The sauces used in Chicken Manchurian, such as soy sauce and chili sauce, are high in sodium, which can contribute to high blood pressure and other health issues when consumed in excess.

3. High Fat Content: Deep-frying the chicken adds significant amounts of fat to the dish, especially if it’s not drained properly after frying. Consuming too much fat can increase cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease.

4. Potential Allergens: Some individuals may be allergic to ingredients commonly used in Chicken Manchurian, such as soy or gluten in the sauces or breading.


Chicken Manchurian is more than just a dish – it’s a culinary experience that will transport you to the vibrant streets of Asia with every bite. Whether you’re cooking for a family dinner or hosting a dinner party, this flavorful dish is sure to impress

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