Dahi Ke Soley
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Dahi Ke Soley-One of the most tempting indian snacks ! Perfect Indian Snacks !

In the vast landscape of Indian cuisine, where flavors dance harmoniously and aromas tantalize the senses, there exists a dish that stands out for its simplicity yet richness in taste – Dahi Ke Soley. This timeless recipe has traversed generations, captivating taste buds with its creamy texture, subtle spices, and irresistible charm. Join me on a culinary journey as we explore the origins, ingredients, preparation, and the sheer delight of indulging in this beloved dish.

Origin of Dahi Ke Soley

The roots of Dahi Ke Soley can be traced back to the heart of North India, where traditional cooking techniques have been passed down through the ages. Originating from the kitchens of royal households, this dish was once reserved for special occasions and festive celebrations, symbolizing opulence and culinary finesse.


Dahi Ke Soley

Over time, Dahi Ke Soley has transcended social boundaries, finding its way into home kitchens and street food stalls across the country. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless appeal and the universal love for creamy, indulgent flavors.

Preparation Method of Dahi Ke Soley

There are two main parts to preparing this mouthwatering dish. We are going to mention both parts below

     1. Ingredients of Dahi Ke Soley

The taste of every food dish depends upon its specific ingredients as per the recipe requirement. The beauty of Dahi Ke Soley lies in its simplicity, with a handful of ingredients coming together to create a symphony of flavors. Below we mention some key ingredients of dahi ke soley.

Hung Curd:

  • The star ingredient of Dahi Ke Soley is hung curd, also known as strained yogurt. Thick and creamy, hung curd forms the base of the dish, imparting a luscious texture and tangy taste.

Gram Flour (Besan):

  • Gram flour adds body and thickness to the marinade, helping to coat the soley (bread rolls) evenly. It also contributes a subtle nuttiness to the flavor profile.


  • A blend of aromatic spices such as cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric, red chili powder, and garam masala elevates the flavor profile of Dahi Ke Soley, infusing each bite with warmth and complexity.


  • Fresh cilantro (coriander) leaves and mint leaves lend a burst of freshness to the dish, balancing the richness of the marinade with their vibrant flavor and aroma.

Bread Slices:

  • Soft white bread slices serve as the canvas for Dahi Ke Soley, soaking up the flavorful marinade and transforming into decadent, melt-in-your-mouth delights.


  • For frying the soley to golden perfection, a neutral oil with a high smoke point such as vegetable oil or sunflower oil is recommended.

       2. Step-By-Step Cooking Process of Dahi Ke Soley

Prepare the Hung Curd: 
  • To make hung curd, simply line a sieve or colander with cheesecloth or a clean kitchen towel.
  • Place the sieve over a bowl to catch the whey.
  • Pour the yogurt into the lined sieve and let it drain for at least 4-6 hours, or overnight in the refrigerator, until thick and creamy.
Prepare the Marinade:
  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the hung curd, gram flour, cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric, red chili powder, garam masala, chopped cilantro leaves, chopped mint leaves, and salt to taste.
  • Mix well until all the ingredients are thoroughly combined to form a smooth, creamy marinade.
Prepare the Bread Rolls:
  • Trim the crusts off the bread slices and flatten them using a rolling pin to make them thin and pliable.
  • Spread a generous layer of the prepared marinade onto each bread slice, ensuring that it is evenly coated.

Roll and Seal:

  • Carefully roll up each bread slice into a tight cylinder, sealing the edges firmly to prevent the filling from spilling out during frying.
  • Repeat this process with the remaining bread slices and marinade until all the rolls are prepared.

Fry the Soley: 

  • Heat oil in a deep frying pan or kadhai over medium heat.
  • Once the oil is hot, carefully place the stuffed bread rolls into the oil, seam side down, in batches, ensuring not to overcrowd the pan.
  • Fry until the soley are golden brown and crisp on all sides, turning them occasionally for even cooking.
Serve and Enjoy:
  • Once the soley are cooked to golden perfection, remove them from the oil using a slotted spoon and drain excess oil on paper towels.
  • Serve hot with your favorite chutney or dipping sauce and enjoy the irresistible flavors and textures of Dahi Ke Soley.

Read More: Hara Bhara Kebab

Health Benefits and Nutrient Value of Dahi Ke Soley

Health Benefits

1. Probiotics: Dahi Ke Soley is made from yogurt, which is rich in probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy gut microbiome, aiding digestion and supporting overall digestive health.

2. Protein: Chickpea flour (besan), which is used to coat the yogurt pieces, is a good source of plant-based protein. Protein is essential for muscle repair, growth, and overall body function.

3. Calcium: Yogurt is also a rich source of calcium, which is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth, as well as supporting heart and muscle function.

4. Vitamins and Minerals: Dahi Ke Soley contains various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12, vitamin D, phosphorus, and potassium, which are important for overall health and well-being.

Nutrient Value

Nutrient Amount Per Serving
Calories 200 kcal
Protein 8 grams
Fat 10 grams
Carbohydrates 20 grams
Fiber 3 grams
Calcium 200 mg
Iron 2 mg
Vitamin C 5 mg
Vitamin A 100 IU


Dahi Ke Soley stands as a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of street food vendors who have mastered the art of transforming humble ingredients into culinary delights. With its crispy exterior, creamy interior, and bold flavors, Dahi Ke Soley continues to captivate taste buds and evoke a sense of nostalgia for the bustling streets of India. Whether enjoyed as a snack or a meal accompaniment, Dahi Ke Soley promises a culinary experience that is nothing short of extraordinary.

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